Sunday 10 April 2011

Lace Quarter-Glove

This will be my last post for the next couple of weeks as I am going on holiday with the family... somewhere with no internet access!

This is what I've been working on with the border from the previous post.  I have seen a couple of these "slave bracelets" on the net and fancied having a go at making my own.  I don't like the name "slave bracelet" though...  That's why I called it Quarter-Glove after having tried a few other terms:  hand embellishment, lacy hand adornment?  Any other suggestions?

I combined beading with lace-making in this one and made a beaded ring to hold the lace around the middle finger.  It closes with a button on the underside.

Close-up of the beaded ring.

Just a bit of summer fun!

I wish you all a lovely Easter break - Feliz Pascua - Joyeuses Pâques!  

See you in a couple of weeks.

Best wishes,


  1. Gorgeous!!!!!

  2. Just catching up on your blog, and I'm amazed how many posts I've missed in the past few days!

    You've really been busy - all projects are wonderful!

    As it's late at night here on the East Coast USA, you may not receive this comment in time before your trip, but I just want to wish you a wonderful vacation!

  3. Beautiful glove, I like the ring on them.
    I hope you have a lovely holiday and look forward to seeing any new tatting you do on holiday when you come back.

  4. lovely! i like the beaded ring! it's gorgeous! have a great holiday.

  5. They are called 'Handflowers' at Renaissance Fairs. Lovely!!

    1. Hi Andrea, that's a pretty name, I'd not heard it before. Thank you!


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