Thursday 18 July 2024

One More Pair

I just didn't have the right earrings for today's dress... so had to make some!  Following on from the previous post, here is another lovely beaded earring pattern.  It is a free pattern from the Blog "Linda's Crafty Inspirations" and they are her Peyote Fan Earrings.  She has many free patterns on her blog so if you like beading, I'd recommend checking her blog out.

I love tatted earrings of course but I'm also a big fan of beaded earrings and always enjoy making them.  Do you have a go-to beaded earring pattern?

Summer is finally here today after a lot of cool rainy weather here in the UK so I'm making the most of the  welcome sunshine!  

Best wishes,

Friday 28 June 2024

Beading & Large Lace

Oh dear, where does the time go??  I can't believe I hadn't posted since Easter!  Maybe it's because I've done very little tatting lately (standard size tatting) although I'm currently working on another large lace lamp.

In the meantime, a little beading interlude... I always enjoy making earrings and when I last visited my local bead shop, I found a few kits I fancied having a go at, also because I had some birthday gifts to make and I always like making earrings as gifts.

So here are four pairs I made, different models, different colours.  

Summer has been slow to arrive but I hope you are enjoying some sunshine and happy days wherever you are!

Best wishes,

Saturday 30 March 2024

Easter Egg

I unfortunately ran out of time to complete the second egg as I ended up having an impromptu invitation to go away for the weekend but I managed to decorate one of them!

Happy Easter!

Wishing you all a lovely time with family and friends this holiday weekend.

 Best wishes,

Thursday 28 March 2024


I found these little ceramic eggs in my local charity shop yesterday...  I thought they were shouting to be decorated with tatting!

I'm using a vintage edging from the Tatters Treasure Chest and I think I will combine it with one of my patterns.  We'll see if it works out!

Best wishes,

Friday 8 March 2024

Flower Earrings

First of all, thank you very much to all of you who responded to my posts about missing comments.  I'm so glad and really appreciate every single one of your answers.  I apologise if I don't respond to each individually but for some reason Blogger has become incredibly slow at loading!  When I want to respond to comments, it takes ages to load up the response box and then more ages to load up my answer so sometimes I just give up.  Does anyone have that problem who's on Blogger also?  Not sure why it has changed as this never was a problem until a few months ago.

I removed comment moderation but straight away started received spam again!  Grrrrrr.  So I'm afraid I'll have to re-instate it... and this time will try to remember to go approve comments when they come in!  (Silly me).

Now, you've seen these earrings on several occasions as it is one of my favourite pattern to make as a gift (and for myself because I also have several pairs in different colours).  I made this pair for my son's girlfriend, the colour is "Maple Syrup" which I couldn't resist buying as I'm such a maple fan!  And the shade was just in her colour palette.

I've not tatted any bigger projects for a while now so I hope you don't mind seeing the little ones I manage to make here and there.  I've got crochet and knitting on the go but not so much tatting at the moment.  I always like to hear what you are working on too! 

Best wishes,

Thursday 1 February 2024

Dewdrop Earrings

Thank you again for all your responses on my previous posts!  Now I've found them and know where I went wrong... and yes, it was all me!  Don't activate comment moderation and then forget about it is the lesson!  I've now de-activated it but I'm still getting spam so may have to re-instate it.  Hopefully when/if I do so again, I won't forget to go check my comments and approve them!

Thank you so much to all of you who write comments on my posts.  I really appreciate it and am relieved to know that people are still visiting.  Phew!

Here is a pair of Dewdrop earrings, pattern by Jane McLellan which you can find here.  Jane answered my post about her "go-to" pattern so I decided to make a pair.  Really lovely.  Could be made with variations and endless colour choices of course.  I see I'll be making some of these for friends too.

Don't look too closely as I slightly messed up the top ring where it joins to the finding but I know where I went wrong so the next pair will be better.  I like patterns like these where you can quickly whip up a pair, especially when you want to match an outfit for example or make a gift for a friend.

Best wishes,

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Not Able to Comment?

Ok, I'm starting to worry...  it's two blogposts in a row that have not received any comments at all.  Of course, it may be that they were not interesting and no one wanted to write anything but it still seems a bit strange to me.

Would some of you reading this (I hope some of you are!) kindly try to write a comment and if it doesn't work, could you email me at frivole*at* and let me know please?  I'd really appreciate it.

And here's a little tatting image to decorate this blogpost.

Thank you very much!

UPDATE 31.01:  Thank you very much everyone who has taken the time to write me emails and commented - it's working again!  It's true I had changed the settings a few months ago for moderation because I was getting so much spam.  I've now changed them back and hopefully the spam won't come back too soon.  It's lovely to hear from people, I really appreciate it so thank you everyone!  I will answer emails over the next couple of days.

Second Update 01.02:  Thank you again for all the responses, it's really cheered me up that people still enjoy blogs and that you do come and visit mine!  :-).   I feel rather silly that I had changed comment moderation (due to too much spam) and promptly forgot to go check on blogger to approve them!  So it's all my fault, I can't even blame technology for this one.  I have now removed comment moderation but see that I already have spam coming back in so I may have to leave it on (sorry as I know it's a bit annoying to deal with).  I'll leave it off a while longer but if it gets too bad, I'll have to start moderating again.  Hopefully this time, I won't forget to go approve comments so they appear on my blog!  

Best wishes,