Friday, 31 January 2025

Just in Time...

 ... for a new blogpost before January ends!  So that I can extend my good wishes to you all for a great New Year 2025!  January disappeared so quickly, I don't know where it went.

One thing I've often said I like about tatting is its portability.  I had to spend time on trains this week and tatting is so easy to take with you.  I thought I'd start work on a very simple one-shuttle edging for a handkerchief for my mother-in-law.  It's a while since I made her a new hanky and her birthday is coming up soon.  She loves purple.

Also for her, she told me recently that she would like a red necklace.
So I made her this one, with a pearl coin.

It's my Cameo pattern.
I'd not made this for some time so it was nice to revisit the pattern.
I found a few little updates to make so
I shall be uploading an updated version to Etsy very soon.

Bright red is often surprisingly difficult to photograph!

I hope everyone has had a good start to the new year!

Best wishes,


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