As I have found before, Jan Stawasz's diagrams can be difficult to decipher and follow. The numbers are all over the place so you keep having to search for the relevant stitch counts (when some of them aren't missing altogether!)… so I usually draw myself a little diagram of my own to follow.
My mother-in-law came back from holiday and brought me… apricots and tomatoes! First I made a batch of apricot jam, french style, soft set, with less sugar and flavoured with a bit of vanilla powder. The flavour of the apricots is really wonderful. I didn't photograph the jam but next I made a batch of chutney. I'd not made chutney in a while. I like seeing the fruit, veg, and other ingredients in my giant preserving pan (this was a recent gift from a friend who was not using it).
I also added a little fresh chilli to it with all the spices.
Sadly, it only made three jars! But I'm pleased with how it turned out. Will be delicious with some mature cheddar. The tablecloth I photographed the jars on is one I embroidered when I was first married, to match our wedding china. It turned out I never used the tablecloth much at all.
Here's hoping for another beautiful sunny summer day!
Best wishes,