Sunday 31 August 2014


Yes, sometimes I feel like a butterfly:  flitting from one pretty thing to the next!  I have a fair amount of projects to complete yet I still get distracted by other lovely tatty things along the way.  When I saw Robin Perfetti's new snowflake design, I just had to make it straight away.  I have really enjoyed Robin's previous designs and this one is just as pretty and satisfying.

I also found her tutorial on how she designs using her iPad and a Kaleidoscope program really interesting and a great read (also to be found on her blog).  She uses the snowflake above to illustrate the different steps she goes through from the iPad drawing to the finished tatted motif.  I tried the app (fun to make random images) but found it quite challenging to get enough control for specific tatting-looking images so I am amazed by all the lovely designs she comes up with using this method.  Mine is all pencil & paper and a lot of trying and cutting!

The centre part is tatted with DMC Cordonnet Spécial in size 20 in écru and the second round is tatted in Lizbeth.  I found my tatting to be smoother and more evenly worked using Lizbeth.  I thought I would like DMC just as much but in the end my preference is for Lizbeth.

Now I must really try to get some of my WIPs finished!  A couple of doilies (maybe three even!), the earrings from previous post, the mystery flower project…

Oh, and I nearly forgot to say:  I'm back home!  We had an absolutely wonderful time with friends and family and did lots of exciting outdoor activities.  It was a "special" long holiday this year for me and two of my children and we really made the most of it.

But brrrrr!  It already feels like autumn here in the UK!

Best wishes,


  1. Hi Frivole,

    Thank you for tatting and blogging about my pattern. I always enjoy looking at your work. I like to see snowflakes done in color as I can never seem to find any that work for me! White is so easy.

    I've found DMC to be better in the tiny threads, because Lizbeth size 80 tends to be rough when closing rings. DMC Cordonnet Special slides more easily, from what I've experienced.

    By the way, I've just changed the pattern name after many months of debating. The current file should reflect those changes.

  2. Your two color rendition is beautiful. Thanks for sharing and giving me more ideas. Robin's patterns are so clever, as are yours. Karen in OR

  3. Hi, welcome home.
    As always your work is beautiful
    Bye, Robin in OR

  4. welcome home, Yes it's looking very autumn with leaves starting to turn, Lovely snowflake, yes I have seen the pattern and I also want to do it, Hopefully while I am on holiday I can tat this gorgeous snowflake.
    As always your tatting is beautiful.

  5. Lovely snowflake. Yes, there aren't enough hours in each day to finish all the WIPs and try out all the possibilities!

  6. The choice of the color is really attractive with this model. What a pity the cordonnet DMC doesn't exist in more colors!

  7. Really beautiful snowflake, and it looks so frosty cool in those colors.

  8. I had the exact same feeling when I first saw Robin's snowflake and tatted it immediately from the handwritten notes she had posted then !
    Very elegant, as are all her patterns.
    Love the colours you've chosen.


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