Monday 11 July 2011

Nearly There!

Now completed the 10th round... and started on the 11th and last round.  
But no sneak-peek on that one.  The next picture will be of the completed doily.

This round went much quicker.  But I didn't enjoy those long chains!
They just wouldn't behave themselves.

Best wishes,


  1. Long chains and large rings give me fits. Your doily is looking fabulous!

  2. Ooohhhh... the suspense....
    Fox : ))

  3. Long chains are tough but yours look fantastic! I really like this round though with the "skirt bottoms". What a lovely doily!

  4. I'm definitely with you on that Diane! Long chains and large rings, argh!
    Thanks Michelle... those long chains did have to be coaxed in place with a bit of steam!

  5. Long chains and large rings give me fits, too. I've been planning to try the double double stitch (I think that is what it is called), but I haven't worked on a project that really needed it since I printed it off. Your chains look great in the picture--very uniform.

  6. Still amazing! Your work is fantastic! :)

  7. I hate long chains too! You are doing amazing, way to go!

  8. No, I never tire of watching these beautiful pieces unfold! Thanks so much for sharing their journey :-) ~Tatikan/Sher

  9. Don't you just love the way those patterns sit???


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