Thank you so much to my testers, Lavinia, Hallie and Jane who've helped me put the final touches to the pattern by checking that everything was clear and that there weren't too many mistakes!
We had some discussion about what acronym to use for unflipped reverse order stitches... UROS?? I see RODS used on internet but I wasn't completely clear whether for people that was just reverse order stitches or indeed unflipped reverse order stitches? In the end, I decided to just spell it out to avoid any misunderstanding.
I suppose this one is a bit more unusual in its shape but I think a lot of people would be surprised to see in what an amazing variety of shapes real snowflakes come! I'm adding the photo of the real snowflake that inspired this design below so you can see it again.
Photo of Real Snowflake by Wilson Bentley |
At Muskaan's suggestion, I tried the pattern with bugle beads (see below) but the silver ones I chose are not that noticeable (should try again with a different colour) but in the end, one of the things I particularly like about this pattern is the two delicate lines made by those long picots so I thought it was a shame to hide them inside a bugle bead.
Below is Lavinia's very nicely executed version in blue.
Something about the way she made the rings makes it look
a bit more... "condensed"? I like it.
And here is Hallie's version
(I like how they are opposites: blue on white above
and white on blue below).
Hallie's version looks more rounded
but also very pretty!
And finally, I placed the ones I've made so far together
to see what it would look like as a repeated motif.

Then I digitally repeated it.
It's not perfect done that way because not all the joining places touch as they should
but it gives an idea of the look.
Is anyone interested in tatting this one? I will have a draw for 5 copies of the pattern. Just leave a comment if you'd like to be entered in the draw! I'll hold it on Friday (20th October).
Best wishes,
P.S. I started answering comments but realised it will be easier to count entries if I don't answer! So thank you for all your comments, they are all valued but I won't answer individually in this blogpost.
P.P.S. I've had so much spam lately that I've reluctantly decided to activate comment moderation on my blog for a while and see if that helps deter the time-wasting spammers!