Friday 12 March 2021

Victorian Trellis Doily No. 2 Completed!

It's been good to re-visit this pattern and make a whole series of videos on how to tat it.  I've never made so many videos in quick succession! - 16 of them.  I found some things I would change on future versions like starting some rounds in a different place to where it is stated in the original pattern, some rounds that could be tatted continuously and other little changes that would make the pattern sit better I think.

I tatted this second version in Lizbeth size 20, Country Turquoise Lt.  The thread I used for the first version is softer and the doily is slightly larger too.  Unfortunately, I cannot remember what thread I used for the ecru version (but wondering if it might be DMC Babylo).  At first I thought the blue one would work out too small to be worn as a collar but in the end, it does also fit over my head even though it is slightly smaller.  That got me thinking though... thinking that I need to make it one more time!   And this time I will make an open version that can be closed with a button at the back.  So I will need to adjust the pattern at the beginning and end of each round.  

I'm also planning on writing a new version of this pattern with all the little changes and tips that occurred to me as I was tatting it so hopefully it will help more tatters tackle this design if they wish to.  I know some vintage patterns, including this one, can sometimes be a bit hard to decipher.

Best wishes,


  1. Spectacular 💙💚💙💚💙💚 The amount of work you have already put in and are willing to put in further, is absolutely amazing! I want to extract hearts from this beautiful doily someday.

    1. Thank you Muskaan, and yes, i can see those hearts too! :-)

  2. Wunderschön !!!!!!!
    Ich arbeite an der Decke und bin inzwischen an der 4.Runde
    Danke für die ausführlichen Videos. Diese helfen mir gut, das Muster zu arbeiten
    Bin auch an der offenen Version interessiert

    Danke für die viele Arbeit

    1. Wonderful Johanna, I'm glad you are making it too! And I've already started on the open version so should be able to share soon. :-)

  3. Love the turquoise. Yes, after so much work it makes sense to go the whole hog and update the pattern with all you’ve learnt.

    1. Thank you for your comment Jane, hopefully even more people will enjoy making it with an updated pattern. :-)

  4. Your second version in turquoise is absolutely gorgeous. I am one who would love to purchase an updated version of this pattern. Please keep me in mind. I know it takes a lot of time and energy to rewrite a pattern that this tatter would truly appreciate it. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you very much for your nice comment Rita! And as this is not my pattern, it will remain free even after I re-write an updated version. I'm just pleased to help out other tatters! :-)

  5. They at both gorgeous, and I love the pattern, would be a lovely collar on a plain dress or top. well done on all the videos

    1. Hi Margaret, yes, I think it makes a great collar and I've already started working on an open version for that purpose although the closed version does slip over the head to be worn as a collar too. :-)

  6. Very beautiful doilies and great colors!

  7. It is beautiful and I am enjoying every video.

    1. Thank you and very glad to know you like the videos! :-)

  8. It's gorgeous! I really love that blue colour. I was somehow unable to access the Priscilla pattern so I'm looking forward to seeing yours!

    1. Sorry to hear you couldn't get the pattern, I think if you google "Priscilla No. 2" you might find other websites that host it? I'll try to write up the pattern soon. :-)

  9. Thank you so very much for the Victorian trellis doily pattern. All the videos were very helpful. I tried sending you a picture of the Victorian trellis doily I completed, but I cannot seem to attach it to this comment section. I am working on the Butterfly doily/tablecloth from the "Tatting from burda" book. Please know, you are very much appreciated by myself for all you are doing! Very sincerely, MM

    1. Hello MM, thank you very much for your nice comment and I'm glad to hear you completed the doily! You can write to me at "frivole at" to show me your doily photo if you wish and I'd also like to see you Butterfly doily too! How are you getting on with that one?

  10. Very happy to see that you're revisiting the Victorian Trellis Doily! The doilies you've done are so lovely.

    I tried it a while back, and stalled. But you've inspired me to try again!

    1. Hello Grace, I hope you managed to get going on this project and got it completed!

  11. Muskaan invited me to a group that led me to this post, and I am so thrilled. I am working on this one, and I look forward to digging into your posts about it. I started out trying to do it with the continuous thread method using a larger thread. I soon tired of that and the larger shuttle that method required. I'll be glad to finish so I can do it again in fine thread.

    1. Hello, glad you found your way here and I hope you are enjoying making this lovely vintage pattern. :-)


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