Sunday 19 February 2017

Robin's Magic Square

Here is the piece from the previous post.  It's Robin Perfetti's Magic Square.  Very interesting and clever how it's constructed.  I was travelling when tatting this so it's just photographed on my lap as I worked.

You keep building from triangle to square,
turning one way or the next depending on the final size you want to achieve.

That's as far as I got.

You do have to keep thinking about which way you are going with this,
so you have to pay attention!  But I rather like the concept.

I'll show you the completed square soon.

Best wishes,


  1. It's beautiful and fun to see the development of it too😄

  2. Prêt y! Is that a subtly variegated écru?

    1. Must be a trick of the light Michelle! It's just an unusual pale brownish colour, not really ecru even. I had that in my stash for some time and never felt inspired to use it.

  3. Das ist ein s ehr schönes Muster und gefällt mir sehr gut. Die Farbe ecru ist dafür sehr schön.
    Ich bin auf das fertige Werk sehr gespannt.

  4. I love seeing works in progress! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Clever pattern, looking forward to seeing it finished

  6. It looks amazing already!!! :)

  7. Huh, cool. Wonder how difficult it is to generate these sorts of patterns on one's own?

  8. Ingenious design! Looks very challenging to keep track of.

    1. Yes it is a bit at the moment! Requires concentration but I think once you got to grips with the principle, it will get easier. :-)

  9. The new pattern is a novel adaptation of the classic magic square. It replaces the single ring "center" with the five ring cluster -- the middle ring plays the same role.. the symmetry is still there, the sequence is still the same -- if you want to break out and expand to the next larger triangle. I was confused at first about how to quit.. but you just close the last cluster up tight.

    1. It's my first go with a magic square design, I'd not heard of it before. The principle is a great idea though. I'm working the simplest form of it to get to grips with the concept. :-)

    2. The Magic Square is really beautiful, and has me intrigued. Where might I purchase the pattern?

    3. Hi Shirla, the pattern is available in Robin's shop on Etsy - here is the link:

    4. Thank You! Just purchased it. Now to give it a go, hope it looks pretty like yours.


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