Sunday 13 September 2015

Not Sure...

Yes, I'm not completely convinced I like my new bag.  Well, there are things I like about it:  the colour, the yarn, the stitch… but I'm not sure about the closure I used.  I actually like how easy this type of snap closure is to use, so quick to open and shut your bag (better than a zip or a snap where you have to look for the other part and line them up) but it's the look of it… Does it look too…."old"?  I'm saying that with some trepidation, I don't want to offend anyone!  But fashions are cyclical aren't they, perhaps this style is coming back into fashion??  :-)  I can start a trend!

For the strap, I decided to use the same stitch which I crocheted flat like so:

(evening photo, the colours are off)

Then I sewed it up like a tube which makes for a nice firm strap with more body than if I'd just used one layer.  I wasn't sure how to attach it to the bag:  if I'd sewed it up at the ends, it would have pulled too much on the crochet fabric when the bag was full.  Sometimes these metal closures have rings to attach a strap to but this one didn't.  So I ended up sewing it as far down each side as I could (taking into consideration the curve of the clasp), sewing first into the crochet fabric and then right into the holes of the closure too.

I will be adding a plastic base to it as I did to my little black back.  I also want to line it but I don't currently have any fabric to match.  I shall get some this week.

I will use it and see how I feel about it.  My mother-in-law exclaimed how much she liked the bag when she saw it so I will have to make another one in green (her favourite colour).  She did say how wonderfully old-fashioned it looked and the kind of bag they use to have (which reinforced my view expressed at the beginning of this post!).

I think I'm going to search for a large square closure of that type too, wondering if that would look a bit more modern and up-to-date.   The closure really is very practical… maybe I just need to get used to the look of it.  We'll see.

Best wishes,


  1. Yes, it does look old-fashioned, but I really miss having a purse with that type of closure! I'm not really fond of zipper or magnetic closures, and I detest velcro! The snap closure just seems more secure to me. Now I'll have to go on a search for bag frames so that I can make one for myself!

  2. Really like this great job and closer too!

  3. The word you are looking for is retro. The styles of the mid 20th century are actually quite popular right now. The clasp is highly practical, so enjoy it! I love the color and design of the bag!

    1. Thank you Miranda, yes, I like that word "retro", sounds much better than old-fashioned! :-)

  4. Yes, call it vintage or retro and you're fine!

    1. I love vintage and retro things and fashions so you and Miranda are right. I will look upon it as my vintage/retro bag. :-)

  5. I hate to say this as an 'older person' (rather like your MIL) but I like it a lot. Now if you really do fall out with it then you could always send it to me!!! Oh, hang on - that would be a good excuse to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe to match!!! Seriously I think it's actually timeless. Lovely bag.

    1. So glad you like it Jane - thank you! I'll keep you in mind if I don't get used to my new bag… :-)

  6. Hmmmm....Very retro! Lovely crochet... Looks very professionally crafted.

    Yes, you could start a new fad. : ))

  7. Personal opinion here: I think I would like it a lot better if the straps were not so bulky. I would re-make them 1/2 the width and sew them onto a leather strap.
    I like the shape of the bag. The straps just seem to be for a larger bag.

    1. I see your point… perhaps a daintier strap would be better. That's what I did with the last bag (although it was still a "widish" strap but I made it one layer only and sewed some cotton ribbon on the back to prevent the strap stretching). It does look a bit bulky now but I thought it would stretch and flatten with wear. I also think a wider-thicker strap is more comfortable on the shoulder.

  8. Like Jane I believe that handmade bags are timeless. They never go out of style. Love the color and love crochet bags.

  9. It's very fun! I love the pattern. The closure is quick and (forgive me) a snap to use but I remember getting my fingers caught in that kind of closure...

  10. I think it looks great with the design of that bag!!! :) And I think your bag looks fabulous!!! :)


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