Wednesday 27 November 2013

Little Tree in the Snow

I don't want to seem irreverent by moving on so quickly from my blogpost about Jan and his wonderful work.  But it occurred to me that the best tribute we can make to the Mary Koniors and the Jan Stawaszs… is to KEEP TATTING!  To carry on sharing our love of this beautiful art.

So that's exactly what I'm going to do.


Do you remember last month I had seen this pretty Christmas tree on Joschaocchi's blog?  She then kindly helped me to obtain a copy of the pattern by Edith Roesti and even sent me THE TREE so I could study it and figure out how it's made.  It took me a little while to get around to tatting it.  The pattern is all in German and I couldn't figure out from the diagram how it would work and I kept putting it off.  Well, no more.  I decide it was time I tackled it.  I'm still not clear on how the author meant the pattern to work out in a couple of places but I improvised where I couldn't understand and I'm still pleased with how it turned out.

I left a loop on top so it can be hung but as you can see, it can also stand.  I have ordered some little stars to put on top of the next one I will be making.

Pretty clever construction.  I like it!  The "snow" is added afterwards with a round of crochet.  I think I might also try it with a few beads for baubles.

And in size 20, it's just perfect to fit on the end of a pen or pencil.
A Christmas Tree Topper!

Kinda cute, isn't it?

And I'd like to wish
a wonderful Thanksgiving
to my American friends

Best wishes,


  1. Lovely tree, the pattern looks very delicate and interesting, I would love to try this tree.

  2. It is a very pretty dainty tree. Love it.

  3. Oh, is that ever wonderful? I love it!

  4. This is beautiful and brought a smile to my face. Great job intrepreting a pattern you couldn't read.

    I agree with you that the best way we can show respect for our fellow tatters is to keep sharing the love of tatting.

  5. Lovely tree. You seem to have translated the pattern very well. I can see several made for a table setting for the holidays. Is it possible to get permission to share the pattern with us fellow tatters?

    1. It would be lovely to have a permission to share the pattern because I like to have a go at doing it too

  6. That is a very nice tree, very different from others. I too would be interested in the pattern if it is available.

  7. Very cute! I like that it can hang or stand.

  8. Adorable! Love the snow, and the beads would be fun, too! Of course, I love 3 D tatting! I also appreciate the Thanksgiving wishes! I'm very thankful to be a part of the worldwide tatting community via the marvelous internet!

    1. Hi Kathy, it's nice to see you again! I too feel we are very lucky to be able to share around the world thanks to internet.

  9. What a lovely tree, and so clever of you to figure out how it was made.
    Also like the idea of adding the crochet, combining the two crafts is a great idea, perhaps it could be done more often!

  10. I love the look of this tree. I would love to receive the pattern if it is available. Thank you. Your is work is lovely. Linda

  11. What a great job you did on thee tree!!!! like so many of the others, I alaso would like the pattern.
    Any chance of it ??

    1. Hi, this little tree has proven very popular… unfortunately, and although I did try my best, it has proven too difficult to obtain the pattern from the designer. The lady does not have internet or Paypal and was just selling paper photocopies of her pattern. I had to go through my friend to obtain a copy. I'm very sorry not to be able to help in sharing this wonderful pattern.

  12. How can I get the pattern it is so cute


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