Friday 15 November 2013

Pretty Pretty

I know I published a blogpost only yesterday but a generous lady gave me an old copy of the Oklahoma Shuttle Bugs Newsletter... in it was this lovely motif by Judi Banashek.  It appealed to me as soon as I laid eyes on it and I started tatting straight away.  As soon as it was completed, I wanted to share it with you as I like it so much!

I just love the way Judi used many different sizes of picots to give this design its unique look.  So pretty!  Now I'm normally one for eye-balling picots but with this design, you absolutely need a picot gauge as 6 different sizes of picots are used.  And particularly with mignonette stitch, it's really essential to get all those bare threads the same length.

I love everything about this:  the interesting contrast between the tiny rings and the larger rings on the outside, the wonderful combination of picots and their joins on the outside rings and the added texture of the bare threads.  Wonderful!

Just for fun I scanned it on pink too.

I believe this pattern is also to be found in Judi Banashek's book "Advanced Tatting Patterns" if anyone has the book and is interested in looking it up.  I, for one, will be on the search for a copy!  If it's still findable....?

Thank you very much to S. for so kindly sending me the newsletter.  This pattern is going on my favourite's list.

Best wishes,


  1. Oh, goody! I have this book and will find this pattern it's lovely!
    Fox : )

    1. Lucky you! I wish I had it! Any other patterns of interest in there?

    2. Hi, Ohhhh please!! Could you kindly send me a copy of the pattern??

    3. Hello, I'm sorry but due to copyright laws, I am not able to send you a copy of this pattern. Perhaps you'll be able to find a copy of her book: Advanced Tatting Patterns?

  2. Look wonderful, And like it is a one shuttle tatting too! Also will make a great snowflake!

    1. Hi Madtatter, although all rings, this pattern does call for two shuttles so that you can make the split rings.

    2. Yea I see that now, thanks. Long ago I saw a book called one shuttle tatting, never got to look inside I wonder if it was any good :)

  3. Very pretty! Isn't it amazing what you can do with all rings (and split rings)? I think the large outer rings with their long picots look like some sort of tropical flowers.

    1. Yes, they are very interesting looking, aren't they? You could even pin and block them to give them an even more dramatic appearance if you wished.

    2. But I like the softer look, just as is...

  4. that is very awesome. I would love a copy, I suppose it isn't in public domain. Boo hoo.

  5. Very nice work. Judi's book is still available from Handy Hands. DS9Designs also shows one copy left. I'll have to go pull out my copy of the book and the old newsletters to see what else is there.

    1. Thank you Patti. I'll keep looking here for a bit because postage from the US to the UK is so expensive! It will be more than the price of the book.

  6. Wow, that's so unusual and pretty, I can understand why you wanted to tat it as soon as you saw the pattern!

  7. Oh gorgeous! You're right the contrasts are what make it so interesting! Wow!

  8. That is so pretty! I can see why you had to tat it!

  9. I have finally dug out my copy of the book and the pattern is on the front cover, I got my copy either from or Roseground some time ago, thanks to you asking about the book, I have found something interesting to tat.


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