Monday 5 December 2016

Glasses Case

I'm still on my gift production line!  Here is a glasses case in crochet.  I used the star stitch I had previously used to make bags as I liked the texture.  This was a special request so I hope it will fit the bill!

Best wishes,


  1. It does have a nice texture. Handy gift!

  2. The light green edging is intriguing ! It looks like a tatted Josephine Chain :-) What stitch is it, please ?
    This snowflake is so very beautiful

    1. Hi Muskaan, it's a reverse double crochet (or single crochet in US terms).

  3. Great case! What a lovely star!

    1. Thank you! :-)
      Finally got the pattern finished, at last!

  4. Lindo y practico regalo. Besos

  5. Oh my, I don't know what I like better, the fab star stitch case, that flake or those cute glasses. Very nice.

  6. Lovely! Is this your own design, then? Do you line it? I can just imagine have a drawer filled with lovely glasses cases to go with a variety of outfits!

    I've worn glasses since I was three years old, and I remember having to keep my dresser very tidy so that there would be a safe spot for my glasses. The first time I received a glasses case was with a pair purchased after I graduated from college. Since cases have come with each pair of glasses I've purchased since then, I've never really considered making my own.

    1. Hi Diane, sorry took me so long to reply to your comment! I just picked a stitch I liked and made a rectangle which I then crocheted down the open sides with a decorative stitch and made a pointy bit to close with a button. Simple really. :-)
      I didn't feel the need to line it as the stitch is very dense but of course it would look nice too with a lining.
      My mother-in-law likes these softer cases as they take less space in her handbag I think. I've made her several over the years.

  7. Das Brillenetui hat ein sehr schönes Muster. Auch der Stern gefällt mir sehr gut.
    Die Brolle hat ein eigenwilligeres Design. Gefällt mir sehr gut.


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