Wednesday 6 January 2016

Little Green Bag & Tatted Necklace

My mother-in-law really liked the blue bag I made for myself sometime last year.  Perfect - I could make her one as a Christmas present.  I took photos before giving it to her.  She loves green so it had to be green.  I found a really nice matching fabric to line it.  I'm also pleased with the straps:  I used my faithful old Prym Knitting Mill to make a long strap into which I inserted a cotton cord to give it body and prevent it stretching.  It's worked out well.

Prym Knitting Mill
My children and I have loved playing
with this over the years.

And I've been looking back at some of my designs that I have not published and decided to re-visit this necklace pattern.  Can't think of a good name for it yet.... Ideas anyone?   This design makes a nice frame for any pretty flat stone or bead... or you can even add a dangly ornament as in the apple version.  I'm going to make one for a friend whose birthday is coming up so that was a good excuse to re-work it.

I like to add beads to tatting for jewellery because it gives a bit of weight to the lace and helps keep it in place.  This is tatted in one round, so the whole necklace in one go... just the way I like it!

How about you?  What are your new projects for 2016?  

Best wishes,


  1. Oh my, that bag is adorable!!! And I love the lining!

    Lovely necklace too.

  2. I purchased The Heart Within and am having real trouble knowing which shuttle to use and when.
    Also I would like to follow your blog but can't find the sign up.

    1. Hi Suzan, I'll write you an email in response.

  3. Love the tip about inserting fabric cord within!
    Didn't know there was a hook-free French knitting loom ! I can well imagine how fun this mill would be :-D

    The pendant keeps reminding me of an "Embrace"

  4. What a terrific little bag! I have one of those i-cord machines. They are great fun to use!

  5. Great bag!! :)
    What gorgeous necklaces!!! :)
    And, I like muskaan's suggestion of Embrace for a name. :)

  6. Lovely green bag,
    Lovely pendant and I also love the name Muskann came up with Embrace, good name as it me aces the stone/ whatever. will we see this pattern any time soon

    1. Thank you Margaret - I hope so, I have started writing up the pattern. :-)

  7. Gorgeous necklace! I love the way as you can change the middle.
    I have this knitting mill, it's a good fun to knit with it:)

  8. Eine wunderschöne Tasche. Da hat ihre Mutter viel Freude.
    Wunderschöne Halskette.
    Die Strickmaschine nannten wir Strickliesel. Es wurden auf eine Holzfadenrolle vier Nägel eingeschlagen und damit lernten wir stricken. War sehr schön

    1. Yes, you are right, I remember using nails on a wooden spool of thread too but this little automatic knitting machine makes it much easier! :-)

  9. Tes colliers sont superbes !
    En 2016, j'aimerais beaucoup frivoler un napperon pour ma grand mère. Je vais devoir m'organiser et trouver du temps !
    Je te souhaite une excellente année 2016 ainsi qu'à tes proches.

  10. We used the nails and spool when I was a kid too, Joelle. Now I make my I-cord with my double points. Although I enjoy making it, the knitting mill looks fun and fast!


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