Sunday, 24 January 2016

"Winky" Heart

I'm calling it like that because it is tatted in an AlenAleaDesign shade called "Wink".  I realised after tatting the last heart that I was working from an old version of the pattern, and not the one that is in my shop.  But after tatting both, I'm wondering now if I don't prefer the blue version...  It's taller whereas this one is wider.

I'm not completely satisfied with this design if I'm honest.  I like the heart in the centre... but it's the negative spaces around it that I'm less happy with.  Maybe it needs reworking.  Or maybe I could make a new one altogether?  Yes, that would be nice.  Now, to find the time though!  :-)

Best wishes,

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Blue Heart

A lady contacted me recently because she was having some difficulties with this heart pattern.  It's funny but sometimes I just can't visualise all the twists and turns of a design in my head, just reading the pattern, and I have to tat it to make it clear.  It was the case with this one because she wanted to know which shuttle to use for particular elements and I couldn't work it out without tatting it.

So here it is.  I'd not tatted this heart for a long time so it's always nice to re-visit designs.  I even found a couple of things to correct in the pattern so it was time well spent.

I do rather like the smaller heart inside...  
a heart at the heart of the heart!  

Best wishes,

Monday, 18 January 2016

Quick Post...

Sorry, feel a bit bad, but no new tatting to show you!  Instead spare time is taken up with knitting a waistcoat for my mother-in-law for her birthday coming up.

As mentioned in previous post, she loves green... so this is green too!

I hope to find time for tatting again very soon.  It's been so busy since the return from holidays.  I hope 2016 is off to a great start for all of you.  January can be a bit dreary... it certainly is weather-wise here!  So it's nice to have new projects and ideas to keep us cheerful.

Best wishes,

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Little Green Bag & Tatted Necklace

My mother-in-law really liked the blue bag I made for myself sometime last year.  Perfect - I could make her one as a Christmas present.  I took photos before giving it to her.  She loves green so it had to be green.  I found a really nice matching fabric to line it.  I'm also pleased with the straps:  I used my faithful old Prym Knitting Mill to make a long strap into which I inserted a cotton cord to give it body and prevent it stretching.  It's worked out well.

Prym Knitting Mill
My children and I have loved playing
with this over the years.

And I've been looking back at some of my designs that I have not published and decided to re-visit this necklace pattern.  Can't think of a good name for it yet.... Ideas anyone?   This design makes a nice frame for any pretty flat stone or bead... or you can even add a dangly ornament as in the apple version.  I'm going to make one for a friend whose birthday is coming up so that was a good excuse to re-work it.

I like to add beads to tatting for jewellery because it gives a bit of weight to the lace and helps keep it in place.  This is tatted in one round, so the whole necklace in one go... just the way I like it!

How about you?  What are your new projects for 2016?  

Best wishes,

Sunday, 3 January 2016

First Post of the Year

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a fabulous holiday!  It all goes by too quickly though, doesn't it?Now it's time to get back to work, get organised, children to school, etc...

Whilst away I re-visited a pattern:  "Twinkle Twinkle".  After Bentley, I fancied trying it with crystals.  Although I first made Twinkle Twinkle as a star pattern (with five points), on this occasion,  I preferred the snowflake version with six points, which gives a better shape to the centre chains, more curved.  I made variations.

Apologies for the lesser quality photos from my phone
(I didn't have my camera with me)

Below is the version with crystals.  I added a stitch to the chain on each side of the crystal (so 6 ds instead of 5 as in the pattern).  The one in the photo above, 2nd row, left, has 5 ds each side of the crystals.  The photo doesn't do it justice.  The crystals and added filament do look lovely and sparkly IRL.

Then I tried it with a pointy chain instead, using my 1SSCMR technique and I do like that version too.  This one doesn't have the added sparkly filament that I used in the version above.  I think the 1SSCMR on the inside round combined with the SCMR above on the points gives it a nice shape.

This is a quick motif to tat and the pattern is available for free under the "Patterns" tab above.   That was about all the tatting I made during our holiday.  The rest of the time was spent knitting socks!

I hope 2016 will be a creative one for every one.  I have ideas already and patterns I want to write up.

Best wishes,