Saturday 24 March 2012


I started all over again.  So he's a new chap altogether.  The beak is better this time and I got the body to work(ish), still not completely happy with it though and will have to re-think it for the next version.  I chose a darker turquoise for the body as I thought it was more like a real peacock colour.

But I LOVE the tail!  What a clever combination of motifs to give it that beautiful shape.  I find there is a bit too much contrast in the colours of that variegated and it distracts from the nice shapes in the tail but I thought the blues and greens would be suitable for peacock feathers.  I know which thread I'm going to use for my next try.

Anyway, here he is:

Motif no.20 of 25-motif challenge

I missed quite a few joins in the tail and got his legs wrong too!  But I'm glad I've worked through the whole pattern once and now know where I will make changes for the next time.

I also have to tell you that for the tail, I gave up following the written pattern and just went with the picture on the front cover of the book.  Frankly, in many places it seemed to me that the written pattern didn't say the same as what the picture showed!

Just to show you the pages of notes I took as I worked the pattern...
And they're written on both sides!

He's pretty neat though, isn't he?

Oh, and guess what?  There is a SECOND peacock pattern in the book...

Best wishes,


  1. Wunderschön!!!!!!!!!!
    Liebe Grüße von Cornelia

  2. You did a lovely job on him! Your patience amazes me. Every time I see that book I want to buy it, seeing you make him is inspiring. What do you plan on doing with the one you make that you're happy with? :-) If I were more of a quilter I would put him in the middle of a quilt to hang on the wall. (Too bad I'm not more of a quilter and a better tatter!) ;-)

  3. He looks gorgeous! I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of the book. I'll have to be patient, though. I've been told it won't be available until next month. I was thinking of using Lizbeth Caribbean for the tail so that there would be a touch of purple. I look forward to seeing what you use next!

  4. He's a beauty! You have the patience of a saint. Even with all those problems, I still can't wait to do this one and I really can't wait to see your version of the fully fanned out peacock!

  5. The tail is absolutely beautiful - but I have to say there is something askew (to my eyes) about the shaping where the body joins the tail, if this is to really personify a peacock.
    Fox : 0

  6. Beautiful Peacock! The colors are stunning and I love how the tail looks. Could you tell me the name of the book. I can't seem to find it in your posts. Thank you. lawecki at

    1. Hi Carol,

      Yes I think I mentioned the book in the Dancing Butterflies post because it was the first pattern I made out of it. Sorry I forgot to say again:

      The book is Occhi Schiffchenspitze Frivolité by Marianne Langwieser and Tatiana Scharowa.

  7. ..that comment sounds so petty, as this is a gorgeous design.

    However, I traced the peacock from the screen and played with the shape; I think the problem lies in the fact that this pattern truncates the body too much and the tail looks as if it is coming out of his belly! So if the body were a bit elongated tapered and perhaps one or two of the hind feet show, the tail would flow more naturally. End of grumpy comment!

    I love your peacock! Such beautiful tatting
    Fox : ))

    1. Ok Fox, perhaps I agree with you on the shape of the body. Send me your picture, I'll see what I can do for the next version.... but hind feet?.... He IS a bird you know... :-)

  8. I think peacocks only have the two feet. Our local zoo has them and they (rarely) wander down our street. He's lovely, the tails is gorgeous and for some reason I am particularly enchanted by those things on his little head. The multiple motifs in the tail are wonderfully chosen and work beautifully together.

  9. Lovely! I always love peacocks but haven't found a pattern. Now I'm tempted to get this book!

  10. Wow, that's stunning. Worth all the effort you had to put into it. Look forward to seeing the next version.

  11. Wow he's a stunner, I love him, the book will just have to sit on my wish lst until I can find a job,
    All the effort you put into him has been so worthwhile, I look forward to seeing the next one,

    Well done


  12. Wow! I'm eager to see the other one. The design of the tail is so impressive!

  13. Love the Peacock. Still working on mine the tail is a real pain. I think I am going to make it through this time. I just using the digram this time. Cannot wait to see the next one.

  14. He's beautiful. I'm adding him to my list of things to make. He would be lovely framed.

  15. I have never seen a tatted peacock and this one is beautiful!!!

  16. I SO agree with Fox! I love what you have done but he just looks so akward. I would love to see a peacock with his tail UP instead of dragging down...although I know they do walk that way. Beautiful job though of figuring out the pattern!

  17. It is gorgeous! Really stunning, and great choice of colors. Now I too feel tempted to buy the book and try to tat one myself.

  18. Wow! Great job! Lovely colours, beautiful pattern, a real treat!

  19. Wow, beautiful, so great job, Fivole!!! And fighting with the difference between picture and pattern, grrr, can imagine! Congrats, you finished and did it allthough that beautiful way!!! I did never try any pattern of that book...
    Picking up the wish here for a tail up peacock, my proposal would be:
    place the feet just to the left side of the body.Then shorten the tail by 7 of the first samll splitrings, begin with the tailpattern with the left, now short tailrow and go up clockwise, following the two different tailrows, at 12 o'clock they maybe a bit longer and behind the body shorter rows.

    hihi , okay, any body time to write a new pattern?

    1. Hi Gunhild, thank you for your comment and your suggestions... but there IS a peacock with the tail up in the same book! It's on my to-do list so hopefully you'll get to see it at some point. Happy tatting!

    2. Wow your tatting is beautiful!
      I have an older edition of this book wich unfortunately doesn't have the peacocks in it. I may have to splurge on the new edition.
      I tend to agree with fox about the shape of the body. The legs are too close too the neck. Perhaps if the body area was worked to be twice the length with the legs on the second half the shape would look a little more natural.
      I can't wait to see how the one with the tail up turns out!

  20. I love It i got the book and have it started! And i do agree with you the pattern and the diagram dont match at all. But i am working on it i hope to have most of it done today.


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