Saturday 19 November 2011

Cutting the Steek!

I made it to the top!  And have tonight cut the front steek so I can start picking up stitches to make the buttonhole bands.

I know most people would think scissors and knitting shouldn't be brought together, but I always find the cutting part very exciting.  It means you're nearly finished with a long-term project!

Here's just starting to cut at the bottom of the ribbing.

Halfway up...

All done!  I can now try it on.

Next it's picking up the stitches along the edge to make the button bands.

I feared at some point that I had been overly ambitious with this knit.  Because I decided to modify the pattern.  Instead of making a square sleeve (which I never particularly like the fit of), I decided to make it a raglan sleeve.  So it was a bit of trial and error.  I'm also improvising on the collar.  I have an idea in mind of how I'd like it to look.  But no pattern to follow!  We shall soon see if I've been foolish.

Best wishes,


  1. WOW! And even a steek! Ir is beautiful. Nice knitting, Frivole!
    Fox : )

  2. How beautiful! Steeks seem a very sensible way to do a sweater, nothing nicer than being able to knit in the round. You did a wonderful job. I hope you're going to post the finished product?

  3. Foolish? That is looking fabulous!

    I so admire your knitting. Steeking scares me, but it does make sense...

  4. Your sweater is beautiful! My mother very bravely uses steaks when knitting. Some day I'll join the ranks of the brave! : )

  5. Your sweater is absolutely incredible, just beautiful! no other words for it... please please post pics of it when you finish it?

  6. Thank you for your comments - yes, I LOVE knitting in the round so steeks are great. So much easier for patterns as well as you only ever knit, looking at the front of your design.

    Now finished one button band. If my shuttles don't shout too loudly, I may get to the end and show you more pictures.

  7. So glad you're showing how this is done, as I'm sure many beginning knitters would find it fascinating!

    I think your raglans are working out perfectly! And I love the colors of yarn you've used. You should have it finished in no time!


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