Saturday, 26 February 2011

One Take on a Repeat Motif

This is what I meant:  the center where the four medallions join creates a different motif.  I was just playing around this morning and this is what I came up with.

Don't think I'm completely happy with it yet and it's quite small so I may adjust the proportions, scale it up a bit.  I did this very quickly so it's not the best tatting.  And of course, I had to put in some Josephine knots, now I know how to do them more easily!

Best wishes,


  1. This is lovely! What a talent you have. Maybe you will share your pattern?

  2. Your tatting ideas are wonderful! I often think that I'd like to tweak a pattern, but I really have no idea where to begin. Thanks for sharing pictures of what you have done!

  3. Thanks Michelle and Diane!
    Yes, I will write a pattern eventually if you're interested but I'm not completely happy with it yet. A bit more work required. See following post!

  4. I love this version of the motif as well Frivole! Wonderful design!

  5. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing ;)


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