Friday 16 April 2021

Collar, Just Three More Rounds

It took me a while to complete this last round!  Here it is, not pressed or blocked so looking a bit messy at this stage.  It will all look nice again after the next round which stabilises the large rings from this round.

And I definitely think joining to two picots together of the round above
(where the small rings of this round join to the previous round)
is much better than joining between scallops of round above
as I had done in the previous version.

However, you could probably remove two of the picots of the small ring
(the ones just before and just after the join)
as those get lost among the picots of the scallops from the previous round.

On another note, I have been advised that the "FollowbyEmailwidget" will no longer work after July.  I'm not completely sure how that will affect the lovely followers of my blog but perhaps you will no longer get notices of new posts?

Best wishes,


  1. Very beautiful tatting!!! :)

  2. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing with the collar, glad to see a progress report!

    1. Thanks for your comment Jane. I've slowed down a bit now and keep being distracted by other things but I'm nearly finished the next round so should have another update soon.

  3. I love the collar! I will have to find the time to make one too!
    Regarding the email notifications, i also got that notice. Luckily i get new posts in my reading list on blogger directly.

    1. Glad you like it Lavi! Let me know if you decide to tat it eventually. :-)

  4. I love seeing the progress of your collar!

    I received the same notice. I'm not sure how it works either. I use My Blog List and Blogger to follow blogs, and I still miss some. I wonder if they'll replace it?

    1. No, I'm not sure Diane, I hope Blogger will keep some way of notifying readers of new blogposts.

  5. Beautiful, I love it.

  6. Dieser Kragen wird wunderschön. Ich bin mit der Decke bei Der vorletzten Runde und werde dann die fertige Decke zeigen.
    Danke für die informativen Videos
    Bin auf den fertigen Kragen sehr gespannt

    1. Thank you Johanna, I'm glad you found the videos helpful in making this design. I've seen yours now, it looks beautiful!

  7. Stunning collar. As stated previously, I am mezmerized when I watch you tatt. Been replaying many of your YouTube videos.
    Can you please tell me where you get the shuttles you use as they are stunning. Look good to use. (I don't like the shuttles with the bobbin holder thick stick on the end). Prefer the hook on one end ie same as in your Victorian Trellis Doily - Alternative 6th Round video. Please, please advise where you get these beauties from as I would love to purchase a couple. Look forward to hearing back from you when possible. Cheers, Kezza

    1. Hello Kezza, thank you for your nice comment. I make the shuttles I use in my videos and you can sometimes find them for sale in my Etsy shop ( I don't make many at a time but usually have a few for sale most weeks. :-)


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