Wednesday 23 October 2019

"Organic Earrings"

... that's how my daughter described them!  I learned how to make these earrings from a lady at the last Tatting Day I attended.  They are very simple to make with just one shuttle.  The lady also showed me a different way of adding a bead to the centre of a ring.  I plan to make a new video showing this very soon.

There's not really a pattern for these, it's just a series of rings with a bit of bare thread in between.  I like the more "organic" look so nothing calculated and the rings fall this way and that.

I tried different threads and beads.  One daughter got one pair and the other ended up leaving with three!  The pair above is made with Lizbeth metallic thread.

Then I tried an ecru cotton.  I put rings with beads on one strand and just little flowers on the other.

Then added another two strands to each earring
so they have four dangling strands.

Then my daughter spotted a pair I had not finished and she said she like it with just one strand but a longer one.  So I made one more pair in Lizbeth size 20 (Charcoal colour way) and pale green Swarovskis.  She decided those were her favourites... but she liked all versions!

They move nicely when worn and have a lovely sparkle when using Swarovski bicones (or multi-faceted beads).  Of course they're also incredibly lightweight and comfortable to wear.  I'm off to make myself a pair! 

Addendum 16.04.21:  I have just seen a comment (my notifications were not working for a while so I did not always see all comments on my posts) from a lady who was showing how to make these earrings on her blog in June 2019, perhaps that's where the lady who showed me had seen them?  I do not know but they are certainly not my idea so here is the link to the lady's blogpost about these earrings:

Best wishes,


  1. Wow you made I selection of colors, I am familiar with this technique. I never thought of earrings but made a necklace once I still love and were it. Love your daughter's name and it's nice to have a name for tatted items😁

  2. Very pretty earrings! What a great idea and yet so simple.

  3. Oh yes, I can see why everyone wants them!

  4. Great earrings!!! :) I love your variations!!

  5. Beautiful. Reminds me of these beautiful earrings by Satomi Crafts

  6. Love them all, great earrings.

  7. Wunderschöne Ohrrine und so leicht. Ich liebe diese Ohrringe

  8. Wow, aren’t these fun and lovely? Can’t wait for the video!

  9. Lovely! I look forward to seeing your video!

  10. Nie wiem dlaczego nie ma mojego poprzedniego komentarza... wiec piszę jeszcze raz.
    Super kolczyki! Kurs na kolczyki jest na moim blogu :) Przypuszczam że u mnie je widziałaś :) Miło by mi było, gdybyś podlinkowała do mojego bloga :)

    1. Hello, I'm sorry I didn't reply before but I hadn't seen your comment at the time and have just found it when I re-visited this post. I certainly had not seen your blog before and as I say in my blogpost, I was shown this earring style at a tatting day - I do not know where the lady who showed me had seen them. However, they are certainly not my idea and I'm happy to add a link to your blogpost. :-)

    2. Oczywiście, że ta osoba mogła zobaczyć mój kurs 😊 Miło mi, że podlinkowałaś mojego bloga 😊 Może ktoś skorzysta z tutorialu. Pozdrawiam i życzę miłego supłania frywolitki 😍 ❤️

    3. Thank you for sharing your tutorial and best wishes to you too! :-)

    4. Dziękuję 😍 Cieszę się kiedy mogę pomóc 😊


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