Sunday 9 July 2017

SCMR Round Done

I made good progress on the last round with self-closing mock rings.  I only needed to refill one shuttle once (and even then I only used half of it) so I think it was a good plan.
Design is by Jan Stawasz
(from his first Book)
Thread is DMC Babylo size 20

Do the SCMRs look ok to you?  Or is it obvious that I "cheated"?

I'm even going to show you up even closer...

I think they look ok.

And I'm really getting into the rhythm with unflipped, reverse-order chains.
I can see I'll often be using that method from now on.
So nice not to have to reverse work.

And while I was at it, I also made a new video showing
this round of SCMRs, I'll be uploading it very shortly.

On to the next round!

Best wishes,


  1. Perfect! The piece is looking magnificent and there's not a hint that you worked it differently to the traditional method.

  2. Wonderful! Thank you so much Jane!

  3. Perfekt. Ich kann keinen Unterschied erkennen. Ich werde es bei meiner nächsten Arbeit verwenden. Danke

  4. Wow! That is gorgeous! I don't think I'd have ever picked up on the fact that you used self-closing mock rings if you hadn't told us. I will have to keep your trick in mind for my next large project.

  5. Looks amazing. I'm waiting for silver Lizbeth #40; I really like this; hmmmmm. 😊😂

    1. You were reserving judgement in your previous comment... does it pass the test in the end? :-)

  6. They look perfect! No one would know unless you told them.,

  7. Always excellent work 💮🍃🥀🍃💮

  8. Gorgeous doily, I look forward to your video as I am no good at SCMRs. No ine would know you did it with SCMRs

  9. That doily is stunning!!! :)

  10. This is *absolutely beautiful* and absolutely *GENIUS!* One of the reasons I stopped tatting was being so very tired of running out of thread constantly and, being a fairly simple tatter, I never investigated all the options I had to avoid it. This makes me want to get my supplies back out. Well, this and the fact that we have a new grand baby on the way and tiny beautiful clothes need handmade lace! :-) Love it, thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi La Vonda, thank you for your comment. If this has inspired you to pick up your shuttles again, I'll be happy! And a new grandchild is certainly another very good reason. If you don't like re-filling, you can also work with bigger shuttles but those are, sadly, only available in post design (i.e., the Starlit, or the giant "Tatsy" shuttle). My dream is to get a larger bobbin shuttle made... maybe I'll get my wish one day. :-)


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