Monday 7 December 2015

My Gift….

… to you!  Yes, it's that time of year again, time to share joy and happiness with family and friends.  Well, I try to do that all year round but now is a good excuse for a little extra.  I'm having a draw for one of my shuttles.  All you need to do is to leave a comment to be entered.

I've chosen Holly & Wild Rose.   I hope the winner will like it.

I think I will leave it a whole week and hold the draw on Sunday the 13th of December.  
Then I can ship straight away on the following Monday,
hoping the winner will receive it in time for Christmas!

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who visits my blog for your comments throughout the year, I really appreciate it and all that I learn through our interactions.  

I have started decorating the house and playing Christmas carols on the piano (I like to play the first one  on the 1st of December)… I have also made our "Stollen" (a quarkstollen based on a recipe inherited from my mother-in-law who had it from a German friend a long long time ago).  It's a favourite in our family and I always particularly get pleasure in seeing all the lovely ingredients in my huge Mason bowl.. all the fruits and nuts and lemon, and vanilla, and rhum…  Mmmmm!  Smells great even before you bake it.

On a last note, I'm starting to feel rushed now as I have many unfinished GIPs!  (gifts-in-progress).  Some of them are very nearly done but some I am just starting… how many days are there left??

I'm sure I'm not the only one and many of you are in the same boat, furiously knitting, crocheting or tatting away!

Here are some of my GIPs… plus some that are not even started yet!

I hope you are all enjoying your holiday preparations… and don't forget to leave a comment to be entered for the shuttle draw!

Best wishes,


  1. So sweet of you.

    (pick me, pick me!)

    I too have gifts in progress. Sigh.

  2. Love your Snowdrop and Bentley snowflake patterns! Please count me in.

  3. What a pretty shuttle. It would make a very nice birthday gift if I should be the lucky winner.

  4. I've heard rave reviews of your shuttle & seeing as I am a die-hard bobbin shuttler, I'd love to enter this give-away. Happy holidays & compliments of the season to you & loved ones :-)

  5. Yes please. I would love to be in the draw. Maybe some of your creativity would come with the shuttle too.
    Best wishes for a lovely Christmas.

  6. Goodness it's beautiful! Don't enter me as I won last year but hopefully my husband will take my gigantic hints and find one in your shop for me..
    What do you think about sharing that recipe? It sure looks yummy!
    (My WIP aren't even in progress yet!)

  7. Ohhhh, such a beautiful shuttle! Delighted to be included in the drawing. Thanks!
    Katie V in NC katie at r-v-r dot com

  8. I'd love to be entered as well. the snowflakes with the shuttle are beautiful.

    I need to make a long trip to get some white thread in the right size.

    Thanks for your this fun opportunity.

  9. Happy holiday handmades! I too am working away

  10. Wow, that's really cute! How do you make them?

  11. Lovely shuttle! Thank you for so graciously sharing your creativity throughout the year with the tatting world! Wishing you a Christmas and new year filled with an abundance of peace, joy and love.

  12. I would like you to count me in, it will be like having a piece of home (I used to live in Bristol) and the last but not least your snowflakes are gorgeous.

  13. This is Maureen L.'s comment.

  14. Beautiful shuttle, I love the pattern please could you enter me in your draw.
    I too have gifts in progress I think every true crafter has gifts to make and finish at this time of year hopefully you will get there in time
    Your snowdrop snowflake is still on the top my of list for all the new snowflake designs this year

  15. I love that shuttle. The pattern is lovly to.
    Thank you for sharing with us all your work.

  16. This a really beautiful shuttle, and I would be must lucky to win such a treasure! :-)

  17. I hope you get everything done in time! Very pretty shuttle, I'd be happy to win it.

  18. How wonderful! I am truly enjoying bobbin shuttles now. I still don't have your rolling technique down, but that will come. This is a pretty shuttle, and I would be thrilled to win it. If not, may I purchase one after the holidays along with the snowflake shuttle? :-)

  19. I just started tatting this year, and would love to try one of your shuttles. It's very pretty.

  20. Beautiful shuttle. It would be great to win.

  21. I think any shuttle tatter would be delighted to win such a gift!! As for the Stollen... let us know when it's ready and we'll all come round and help you eat it AND maybe buy more shuttles while we're there!! LOL Good Luck everyone!! (me included of course!!) :-D

  22. Die Sternchen gefallen mir sehr gut und das Schiffchen ist wundervoll!

  23. Quelle joie ce serait de pouvoir ajouter cette navette à ma collection. Je pourrais frivoler au moins deux projets à la fois en utilisant tes bijoux de navettes. Merci de m'ajouter à ce "give away".

  24. What a beautiful shuttle, I would love to win it and tat with it your wonderful snowflakes.

  25. Please add me to the draw. I love your shuttles, always so pretty to look at, I dream of having one!

  26. That's a beautiful shuttle and I would love to give it a happy home!

  27. Oh, your wild rose shuttle is so, so, so sweet! Wild roses remind me of my mother as you may remember...she loved the lovely pink single rows of petals as they grew along little streamlets in Oregon, and in the autumn the deep and varied red and orange rose hips. Mom had the patience to pick and make rose hip jelly...mine always ended up as tea for winter....i hope your rnadom generator will be kind to me,,,i truly would treasure your shuttle! Happy Holidays!!! :)

  28. What a lovely shuttle and an equally lovely idea of your's to share! I'd love to have this one!

  29. I know how very very beautiful your shuttles are - would love to have this one!

  30. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    My DH becomes the peanut brittle elf at Christmas via an old family recipe which everyone loves. This season is so full of memories and good recipes.

  31. Das ist ein sehr schönes Shuttle. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Würde gerne ein solches haben.

    Auch die Sterne gefallen mir sehr gut.
    Frohe Weihnachten für Sie und Ihrer Familie.

  32. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas! Would love to be added to the list for the giveaway for your gorgeous shuttle!

  33. Love your shuttles so lovely. I don't have many GIPs as I usually choose from my stash for gifts and not many special requests this year. I'm Sure you will finish in time.

  34. It's a beautiful shuttle. Thank you for offering it away. I have one last snowflake that should be finished by tonight. Yay.

  35. The shuttle is beautiful. It looks wonderful pictured with some of your pretty snowflakes.

    I, too, am frantically tatting on gifts - some nearing completion, some still need to be STARTED. I hope you get all of your GIPs finished on time.

    The Stollen sounds good, too.
    StephanieW in NC

  36. Love your shuttles - all of them! You are so kind to gift one to a lucky winner. Best wishes getting your GIPs completed - and enjoy the season!

  37. What a beautiful shuttle, I would love to win it and tat with it your wonderful snowflakes.

  38. Me gustaría felicitar por sus trabajos y por su hermosa shuttles.
    Muchas gracias por compartir sus trabajos con personas que nos fascina este bello arte

  39. Another beautiful shuttle that goes wonderfully with your snowflake patterns. Please count me in on the

  40. Please add me to the list for the beautiful shuttle. I've purchased one of your shuttles and love it. It fits my hand nicely.

  41. Glad I noticed this post! I'm jumping enthusiastically on board for a chance to win this beautiful shuttle! It's very generous of you to offer it, especially when you're so busy with your many projects!

    I also enjoy playing Christmas carols at this time. I love that the traditional carols continue to be heard and enjoyed by youngsters today. A welcome 'break' from their usual modern fare!

  42. What a beauty! Please enter my name in the draw.

  43. I'd love to be entered into the draw. I haven't tried any of your shuttles, but I'd like to someday. It is very pretty. Looks like you have a lot going on to keep busy. I really need to get my butt in gear and get my GIPs finished. Love the blue socks in the last photo. What kind and colour of yarn are you using?

  44. Quelle merveilleuse idée ! En grande fan de tes navettes, je ne peux que participer, d'autant plus que celle que tu offres est superbe !
    C'est un tel plaisir de te suivre et d'admirer tes ouvrages! J'espère être chanceuse ^^
    En ce moment je réalises un flocon Bentley avec ma superbe navette pailletée...

  45. Gorgeous shuttle :). Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :).

  46. Bellos copos de nieve y rica receta.Me encanta la lanzadera y los hilados son maravillosos.Espero tener suerte.Besos.

  47. I thought it would be much too greedy to win this beautiful shuttle when I already have so many of your gorgeous shuttles. But, well, the temptation has proven too much as this one "sings" Christmas to me and I have succumbed to the Siren's call.

  48. Enjoy for words. I really like the snowflake. Love to win a new shuttle

  49. The latest shuttles I bought from you had this tiny snowflake attached to the package and it really is beautiful. Now you have kindly shared the pattern I can make some for gift tags. Please enter me into the draw for the shuttle.

  50. Please count me in. Your shuttles are my favorites. Love the new snowflake.

  51. I've just started to tat, and I am absolutely loving it :) I stumbled upon this blog today via Youtube. Your videos are excellent and your skill is something to strive for! I would love to enter the draw, you are so very generous :D Happy Holidays from Norway!

  52. We are so behind in our Christmas decorations. With our one year old baby, we are delaying it as much as possible, hoping that the tree will still have some decorations by Christmas Day. ;)
    Your owl blanket is so adorable by the way.
    Thank you for the giveaway. I would like to enter the draw please. How fun it will be to win one of your wonderful shuttles. It will be my first...

  53. Very nice work. It's so nice all of your snowflakes. For sure I would use your shuttles to try it.


Thank you for taking the time to write a comment, it's always appreciated!