Friday, 31 July 2015

Tatting in the Sunshine

We've not been having too much of a summer yet but yesterday was beautiful!  At the end of the day, I sat in the garden and tatted a little in the setting sun...

As I have found before, Jan Stawasz's diagrams can be difficult to decipher and follow.  The numbers are all over the place so you keep having to search for the relevant stitch counts (when some of them aren't missing altogether!)… so I usually draw myself a little diagram of my own to follow.

 I'm now working on these little triangular pieces to fill the gaps before starting on the next round of split rings which will go all around the edge.  I have 12 to make.  I managed to make 8 yesterday so only 5 left to go.  I find the use of "magic loops" invaluable when working on small motifs like that as it makes hiding ends neat and quick.  I'm really won over by magic loops and find that's the method I now use most often to hide ends.

My mother-in-law came back from holiday and brought me… apricots and tomatoes!  First I made a batch of apricot jam, french style, soft set, with less sugar and flavoured with a bit of vanilla powder.  The flavour of the apricots is really wonderful.  I didn't photograph the jam but next I made a batch of chutney.  I'd not made chutney in a while.  I like seeing the fruit, veg, and other ingredients in my giant preserving pan (this was a recent gift from a friend who was not using it).

I also added a little fresh chilli to it with all the spices.

Sadly, it only made three jars!  But I'm pleased with how it turned out.  Will be delicious with some mature cheddar.  The tablecloth I photographed the jars on is one I embroidered when I was first married, to match our wedding china.  It turned out I never used the tablecloth much at all.

Here's hoping for another beautiful sunny summer day!

Best wishes,

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Square or Rectangle?

I picked up my Jan Stawasz piece again.  I added a few more motifs to it.  It is now square.  And I'm wondering what to do.  Shall I stop at a square and start making the border?  Or shall I make it into a rectangle?  I can't make up my mind at the moment.

It currently measures 33cm across.  So shall this remain a WIP for a while longer and I should continue to make it bigger or shall I finish it?    What would you do?

Best wishes,

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Robin & Frauberger

I too was inspired by Robin's version of Tina Frauberger's pattern.  Fox is making a nice version in blue to edge her hanky.  I tried a few repeats of it.  Robin did a great job of scaling it down; the original patterns by Frauberger are quite large and though I like the shapes very much, I'm not overly fond of very large rings and chains and too much open space in tatting.  A little while back, I too scaled down one of her patterns:  a crown edging.

Mine curves a bit though…  so perhaps I need to adjust it a tiny bit more for me although it obviously works well for Robin and for Fox… where did I go wrong?

Tatted in Lizbeth 40, number 137, "Berry Burst"

How's everyone's summer coming along?  Doing anything nice?

After being away for a while,
I just seem to have way too many things on my to-do list!

Best wishes,