Saturday 11 January 2014

Simplest of Bracelets

Well, it was starting to feel like quite a long time not tatting!  I was still busy trying to finish the crochet scarf but today was the birthday of one of my daughter's good friends and I wanted to make her a little something.  The friend likes green.  So I made her this very very simple bracelet.

Such an easy pattern which I have also used to make bookmarks.  Everybody knows this one.  Simple but effective, pretty… and quick to make!

So there you go - nothing fancy for my first tat of 2014!!

I finished the border on my yellow/blue scarf.  But I'm still not satisfied.  There's too much contrast and I find it doesn't blend in together as much as I would have liked.  I'm now debating whether to add a bit of lime green in that very fine yarn on the edge of the blue edging (you can see a little bit of it done and I think I like it)…. and maybe even some extra shells in the variegated thread to break up that straight line which doesn't appeal to me so much…  It's not turned out quite as I had envisioned.

Maybe I need to put it aside for a bit and then look at it again later with fresh eyes.

My crochet hook is still busy though as there is another project I'm thinking of making for someone's birthday next month.  

Best wishes,


  1. Nice bracelet and quick gift! Very sweet of you to whip that up.
    I agree with you on the scarf - the little bit of green edging really makes a difference. I don't think you need more of the variegated yarn if you use the green. Really nice scarf ;)

  2. Love the bracelet so very elegant!! Your scarf is lovely also just love the colors!

  3. That pattern looks lovely as a bracelet!

    I think the lime green on the scarf is a nice touch. It really ties the whole thing together. I'm not sure what you mean by breaking up the straight line. Do you mean the line between the main part of the scarf and the border? If so, I'm not sure that anything you put there would be an improvement; it might just look "stuck on", if you know what I mean. I think that part looks fine as it is.

  4. Hmmm... I hate to say it but I think the green line os a bit of over-kill. Sorry!
    Fox : )

  5. I like them both and the scarf seems very nice this time of year.

  6. I have to say that anytime I make ANYthing, I have to step away then look at it. My eye is too critical of my own work. I think you suffer from the same squint. So sorry!
    Bracelet is lovely. Scarf edge could use some softening, I agree. Maybe a thinner edge with the green outlining?

  7. Love the bracelet, it's a pattern that can be used for so much.

  8. Very nice bracelet!! :)
    And I love the scarf!! :)

  9. What a lovely bracelet!

  10. Can you tell a beginner where to find the pattern?

    1. Hi Kay, it's so simple, I just made it up. Except now I can't remember exactly what I did! I think it was 5-5 for the rings and 2-2-2-2-2-2 for the chains.

    2. Write to me using the "Contact Frivole" link in right side bar if you need further help.

  11. Can you tell a beginner where to find the pattern?

  12. Where could I find the pattern for that bracelet plz.


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