Monday, 9 September 2013

Rose Garden

I have some edgings to sew onto hankies but I wasn't inspired... instead I leafed through my Mary Konior books and decided to tat "Rose Garden".

It's nice.
And done in one pass.

Tatted in Lizbeth Vineyard Harvest, size 20

And just for fun,
I placed many of them together
to see what it would look like.

I think it would be interesting if
the roses were one colour and the
outer flowers in another,
don't you think?

I made a note of your suggestions in the previous post, thank you very much.  I can't guarantee which video I'll make or when, but I'll try my best... except for when it comes to celtic tatting - terrible admission! - I'm not very good at it!  So celtic tatting will definitely have to wait until I get a better hang of it!

Best wishes,


  1. Your stitches are so perfect and even! I especially admire your tension on the rose part of the motif.

  2. A lovely motif, indeed!

    Even your wonderful videos could probably not help me through my Celtic tatting inadequacies! : (

  3. Lovely motif! I really like the idea of roses one color and other flowers different!

  4. Your motif looks wonderful!! :) Great look when they are placed together too!! :)

  5. Yes, the rose one color and the other parts another color would look gorgeous.

  6. So very pretty! Yes, I think it would look very pretty with the rose in one color and the outer flowers in another. Celtic tatting... I've never dared to post my attempts (two I think) on my blog!

  7. I too like very much this motif.


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