Monday 22 April 2013

Yet More Butterfly... Ornamental Mat?

Still looking for another word for "doily" - anyone has suggestions?

Travelling means lots of time sitting on airplanes or waiting in airports.... which means.... tatting time!  I managed to just about complete the next two rounds of my butterfly table decoration (only a few repeats left on this row).  It now measures 21.5 inches across.  There are two rows left.  This piece was the only tatting I took with me.

Here it is, on my ironing board.
The last row was another with long chains
which unfortunately need pressing into place
to get them to behave!

Ironing it also got me to notice that I'd made a small mistake on the previous row!  Oh Dear.  But there will be no cutting and repairing I'm afraid, those rounds are just too long to remake!  The mistake will remain and become part of the "personality" of the piece I've decided.

Best wishes,


  1. So schön!!!
    Lieben Gruß Cornelia

  2. Excellent decision!

    Welcome back to Tat-Land. Missed you!
    Fox : )

  3. That piece is so stunning!!! :)

  4. I have missed you, so welcome home, it makes the piece unique to you, no one else in the world will have made that little oops its your own master piece, Looks wonderful and an heirloom for future generations

  5. Muy, muy hermoso.
    Cuanto se demoró en hacer tan bella pieza?

    1. ¿Cuánto tiempo por hacerla? Es difícil decir lo que yo hago un poco a la vez ... pero muchas, muchas horas para seguro!

      It's hard to tell how long it has taken so far... I do a bit at a time, and don't keep track!

  6. It's gorgeous! No one will ever see that tiny mistake, and I promise not to look for it. ;-)

  7. It's lovely and I like the "personality".

    Take a look at this one for ideas....

    1. Funnily enough I had just recently followed a link to that same blog, she does have some lovely items on there! But how do you translate a blog when there is no "google translate" button at the top?

  8. It's fabulous! I would like to make it so much!

  9. I'm not keen on the word doily either! lol. I just found your lovely blog and will follow. Thanks for sharing

  10. A beautiful piece. I wouldn't take any of those long rows apart either, and I'm sure no will notice it.


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