Saturday 24 July 2021

Back to the Collar

I'm still spinning but I finally decided to go back to the nearly finished collar.  I'm on the last round!  It shouldn't take too long to complete - come one me, get it done!

Isn't it strange how sometimes we can get most of a project completed and then somehow lose steam when there's not that much left to do.  Does it happen to you?

 Best wishes,


  1. Yup, it has happened to me! On spinning and tatting, I gave up tatting when I became really involved in spinning - mohair fibres embedded in my tatting wasn’t a good look!

  2. It happens to me all the time. Sometimes motivation just takes us in different directions!

    1. Yes, it's a nicer way of looking at it. Thanks Diane. :-)

  3. Yes it does happen and this last week, I totally left everything to one side the heat just wiped me out, very unusual for me as I love the hot weather, this year my body decided it was too much, I look forward to seeing it when you have finished it.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I'm so nearly finished but have to fix a problem with it on a previous round. I'll get there though. :-) The heat wave has now passed so I hope you're feeling better.

  4. It looks like it happens to most of us! That is so beautiful!!! :)

  5. Ja, das passiert den meisten von uns. Ich habe jetzt meine lang liegende Hardangerdecke fertig gestellt.
    Ich habe noch einige angefangene Projekte liegen, die auf die Fertigstellung warten.
    Bin auf den fertigen Kragen gespannt

    1. Hello Johanna, I'd love to see your Hardanger completed, it was looking so beautiful.


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