Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Other Lace

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely holiday and that 2019 is off to a great start for you.

I've been asked to do a presentation on my lace so as part of that, I've been digging out other types of laces I have made over the years.  This is just a small sample I'm taking with me tonight but I thought it might be interesting to show it here on my blog as well.

The little bits of tatting need no explanation but here are some close-ups of the other types of lace and what they are:

These are some Irish crochet flowers, leaves and scrolls.
These elements then need to be linked together with a background stitch...
but mine never made it to that stage!

This is some needle lace.
Experienced needle lace-makers would no doubt use much finer thread than what I used here
but these were some practice pieces.

The roll of lace you can see in the bottom of the photo is
a length of torchon lace which is the very first type of bobbin lace
I learned to make when I was a teenager.

This is Bucks Point lace (bobbin lace)
with a shadow-embroidered bow and little bullion knot rose on the fabric above.
This is the lace I used to hem the sleeves of a christening gown I made for our 4th child.

And finally the pieces on the right of the first photo
are Honiton lace (bobbin also)
This is definitely the finest lace I ever made
(fine in the meaning that the thread is the finest I have ever used to make lace).

I know many of you tatters, will also be other types of lace-makers too, I'd love to hear what other laces you make - please leave a comment!

Best wishes,


  1. Really interesting to see your other kinds of lace, thanks for showing us.

  2. Really neat to know the names of some of the laces!! :)

  3. OMG, your handiwork is so perfect in all forms of lace !!!
    It is nice to see so many kinds in one place.
    The filling in Honiton lace seems to have picots 😀

  4. Beautiful pieces of lace, I have tried bobbin lace, and I still have my pillows and bobbins, I said I would start again when I retired and had time to play with them, so far I have retired and they are still waiting for me to play with them.
    I do make knitted lace and have knitted several tablecloths, and doilies, the largest tablecloth I have knitted started with eight stitches and end with 2,000 stitches.

  5. Bonsoir Frivole,j'ai beaucoup apprécié vos jolies dentelles. Dans le sud de la Bretagne, nous avons une association de dentellières avec laquelle nous apprenons des techniques anciennes qui étaient autrefois utilisées dans la confection des coiffes. Ainsi, nous faisons de la dentelle d'Irlande, de la dentelle aux fuseaux, du filet noué et brodé, de la frivolité, de la broderie sur tulle, un peu de dentelle à l'aiguille et aussi de la broderie de Lunéville (pose de perles avec un crochet). C'est un patrimoine que nous essayons de conserver, car certaines de ces techniques tombent dans l'oubli...
    A bientôt. Nannick

  6. Merveilleux!! I'm totally in love with handmade lace and your work is absolutely beautiful! I especially love Honiton and Buck's point lace after seeing some wonderful examples at an exhibition. I've never tried making bobbin lace since in my youth the bobbin lace in my home country seemed a little dull and old fashioned. Little did I know! My lacemaking started with crocheting in my teens. I began tatting a few years ago and I would love to do more needle lace. I actually have an order from my history enactor son to make him a 17th century reticello collar!
    If you're interested here's a link to my lace blog posts. Cordialement, Liisa

  7. I love this site. As a handwork artist- and new tatter- I'm looking for new patterns especially in English, as I only sorta read any other languages.


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