Wednesday 7 February 2018

A Tiny Bit of Tatting...

Sorry I've not been very good at posting as regularly lately...  I made a card today and put a Twinkle Twinkle on it so that's my tiny bit of tatting to show you!  I thought the colours married well.

I'm hoping to have time to make a hanky edging for the same birthday as the socks so if I can get those finished, I'll start on the edging.  Anyone can recommend a favourite one shuttle edging?  Apart from Hen and Chicks that is - don't get me wrong, I do love Hen and Chicks and am considering using it but if you have another favourite you'd like to share, I welcome suggestions!

I'm making good progress with the the socks but it's slow work with all those tiny cables going on every other row.  I hope to be able to show you the finished article very soon!

Best wishes,


  1. Looks like you are busy!! Great Twinkle star!! :)

  2. Love your tatting and knitted socks and one shuttle tatting is a favorite of mine and for a wedding hankie but not sure if that is the type of hankie, but I love the mignonette tatting you know with rings only. outlined with maybe a pretty chain at the end, like shown in a green book that the name I cant recall at the moment :)

    1. If you remember please let me know, I love to see what designs other people like and use - especially for a wedding hanky. :-)

  3. Love twinkle twinkle and it looks good on the card,
    Lovely socks and Beauitful colour

  4. Cute twinkle but I am loving those socks. Each cable will be worth it once they are done.

  5. I want to make a hanky too for a wedding coming in May! Want to do a tat-along? I don't have a pattern in mind yet...

    1. I'd have loved a tat-along Michelle! But I'm having to work this one really quickly as I'm so short on time! I have to finish it this week. :-)


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