I'll try it without beads too as I realise that not everyone likes to work with beads (or has some to hand) so it's nice if patterns can be worked either way.
I may also try removing the inside JKs on the first round to see if it looks better with more space under the lock chains. Perhaps I'll tat it in more "snowflaky" colours next time too.
As for the knitting, I have started on the back lace panel. That's the part that most appealed to me about this pattern. I look forward to showing you when it's done.
Here are the two fronts and one sleeve which are now completed.
This knitting project is interesting because it has led me to re-examine the way I knit. Moss stitch (K1P1) is time-consuming so I've explored different ways to knit and hold the yarn as I mentioned in previous posts.
Megan's comment got me to try Portuguese knitting which I enjoy (best for purling). Searching for something to use to hook my wool, I looked in my very old Singer treadle machine's drawers and found this:
Amazingly, it appears I was already the owner of a knitting pin which I promptly put to use. If someone thinks this is something else and not a knitting pin, I'd be delighted to hear from you.
Then this week, I received some modern knitting pins from Megan.
Aren't people wonderful?
Thank you!
I have one pinned to my cardigan and as soon as I finish writing this, I shall be knitting a few more rows on my lace panel.
Best wishes,