Saturday 19 May 2012

Marie's Marvellous Gift

Yes, the same Marie of Marie Smith's Split Chain Method - now known to me as "The Wonderful Marie"... has sent me something in the post.  And what a beautiful surprise it was!  She had told me of her beaded shuttle bags and shown me some pictures and even explained to me how they are made.  But it's nothing compared to how lovely this little bag is in real life!  It looks and even feels amazing.  This one is tatted in silk and has a gorgeous sheen and soft quality and it looks just incredible with the iridescent beads.  She had previously asked me what colours I like and the little bag is a perfect shade of pale greeny-blue (perhaps it looks more blue in the photos than IRL), just the kind of colour that appeals to me.

I'm totally enamoured with it!

Slightly darker photo with shuttle peaking out of it.

And there are hundreds of beads in this little bag,
there must be hours and hours of work involved.

for such a beautiful gift.

Best wishes,


  1. That is a glorious gift! I would love to make something like that some day. I think it's fabulous that it matches your nails so well!

  2. That is an impressively intricate little thing of beauty, what a treasure! Things like that bring joy each time you see or use them...thank you for sharing it as it is a pleasure to see!

  3. What an impressive gift! Marvelous!

  4. Quelle délicate attention et il est vraiment très beau....

  5. This is spectacular!

    Marie is just as wonderful (or BETTER) in real life as she appears to be in emails and other correspondence. Try and meet her! COme to Palmetto Tat Days!

  6. A perfect bag for your shuttle! I love it too. Lucky you! :)
    Enjoy your gift.

  7. Wow! I can only imagine the work involved in it.


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