Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Time for Snowflakes

It's going to be the 1st of December tomorrow!  I started making my Christmas cards for family and friends back home and as always I like to enclose a new snowflake but sadly this year, I've not had time to work on a new pattern.  So I had a look in my drawer and found all the sample snowflakes I'd made and then found the variations I'd worked on for my 2019 snowflakes.  The one below was version no. 2 and I decided to re-tat it.

I like to start getting into Christmas from the 1st of December, not before if at all possible - apart from the Christmas pudding which I do make in advance as it tastes better.  So tomorrow I can start decorating the house and play the first carol on the piano!

How about you?  Are you into Christmas already?

Best wishes,