Sunday, 13 February 2022

La Feuille Frivole

I keep having problems with people not being able to download my patterns over at Google Docs.  I have set permission to "everyone with the link can view" but I still regularly get people telling me they are not able to access some of my patterns and I don't know why.

So I'm trying something new.  I'll see if I can embed the patterns right here into my blogposts and use new links to re-direct people here if that works better.

If you click on the little arrow in the right-hand corner of the image,(it says "pop out" if you hover over it)
this should take you to the page from where you can download it.

I'm trying it with my very first pattern which is this little leaf called "La Feuille Frivole".

If a few people would be kind enough to tell me if they can see the pattern and are able to download it for printing, I'd be grateful.

Many thanks!

Best wishes,