Wednesday 22 October 2014

Vintage Square - Take Two

I tatted the little square again.  With two shuttles this time instead of with shuttle and ball as in the previous version.  It worked out much better for me.  I didn't have trouble with gaps between the corner rings as Ninetta mentioned when she tried it with two shuttles (see her comment in previous post).  I tatted this FS/BS and attached all three rings where they meet on the inside.

I like it a lot.
A perfect little square.

Shall I try it again with traditional tatting?  Not FS/BS?  Just out of curiosity and for the sake of experimentation.  I sometimes feel like I treat tatting not only as an art… but as a science too!  All options to be tested.  :-)

Best wishes,


  1. Oh yes, it is perfect now! Of course you know I think FS/BS only enhances the perfection, so I would say why make a less perfect version? But I know not everyone feels that way about it.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you think so. As for tatting it the traditional way… it's because I feel there is a little bit of twisting going on at the base of the rings tatted on the backside. Is that due to the join? But it's like the base curls slightly towards the front. I have to push the double stitches back into place and I don't find this a problem with traditional tatting. I like to hear every point of view and I think the FS/BS vs traditional debate will keep going… :-)

      So you ALWAYS tat FS\BS only?

    2. Yes, I do. I didn't learn that way, and it might never even have occurred to me. Ever since I read about it many years ago, though, it has always been my preference. I just like to see the picots sitting prettily between two double stitches. I even do it that way when both sides of a piece are equally likely to be seen, such as a bookmark-- and I always put my bookmarks in the book with the front side facing! (Although of course I don't expect other people who receive my bookmarks to do the same.)

      I don't have the trouble you describe with the rings. Are you posting your shuttle through before closing? I never do, but I know it helps some people.

      I do sometimes have minor twisting issues, although I don't think it has anything to do with FS/BS. I solve it by placing the finished piece on the scanner bed and closing the lid. For some reason, my cat thinks that the top of the scanner is the most comfortable place in the apartment to sit. His weight on top of the lid for a couple of days flattens the tatting right out. Heavy books would also work.

      I don't think there needs to be a debate between FS/BS and traditional. Some people prefer one and some prefer the other. Since everyone is presumably tatting for their own pleasure, they should simply use the style that is most appealing to them-- and those of us who do prefer FS/BS should try to be less pushy about it.

    3. hmmm… don't know where my reply to your message went! I'll have to start again.

    4. Hi Miranda, thank you for your response. No, I don't post the shuttle before closing rings. I tried it and didn't like how it affected the shape of the ring (I made a blogpost about this).

      I like your closing paragraph and I agree with you whole-heartedly: tatting should be a pleasure so whatever technique suits you and makes you happy, that's the way to go. I said "debate" because it seems to me whenever FS/BS vs traditional tatting gets mentioned, conversations can get a bit heated. But there's no need, is there? There are enough rules and regulations in the world, let's tat for pleasure!

      I, for one, use both methods depending on what I'm working on. And I think excellent results can be achieved with either.

    5. Pushy? PUSHY??? Are you talking about ME?

  2. Oh, it's wonderful! Is this original stich count?

    1. Hi Michelle, yes, it's the original stitch count.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Ninetta! I think tatting it FS/BS helped close the gap between the rings because you start the chain with the 2nd half of the double stitch which helps pull things together better.

    2. Yes, I should try it again in that way. Thank you.

  4. I love this, and I know what you mean about science, I feel like I am doing strands of DNA for some reason and years ago I saw that one tatting piece that looked like a the atomic symbol did you ever see that one?

    1. I enjoy your reply Madtatter! :))

    2. Oh yes Madtatter, I know which one you mean, it was a design by Yarnplayer.

    3. Oh wow that is interesting to know.

  5. Yes, Frivole, this is perfect and I am glad you think so yourself!

  6. I see a rose window, and four crowns - and a very "square" square. Yes, I'd like to see it done both ways, side by side for comparison. No doubt about it. Tatting is full of observation and experimentation and engineering and topology and inventiveness. It is a science.

    1. I like your "vision" Megan. I see the crowns now you've said… I like how those corner chains looks slightly "puffy", with just the right amount of roundness to them. Yes, I really do like this little square!

  7. Can you share this pattern? I'm looking for a motif that I can join that won't leave big gaps in spaces. This is perfect.

    1. Hi Natasha, if you look at the post just before this one, there is a link to the pattern. It is to be found on Ninetta's blog.

  8. This is such pretty motif! Is the pattern available?

    1. Hello, you can find the pattern on Ninetta's blog:

  9. Hi there, love you're little pattern, where can I find it, I do t mind buying it either. Thanks :)
    All the best

    1. Hello, it's available for free on Ninetta's blog: Hello, you can find the pattern on Ninetta's blog:

  10. I meant to say I don't mind buying it.... ๐Ÿ˜œ Tired fingers ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. No problem :-), link in response to your previous message.


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