Tuesday 3 June 2014

More of the Same & Magic Loops

Now added the four diamond shapes all around.  It does make it look different again, don't you think?

It was an interesting discussion on finishing ends in the previous post - thank you for all your contributions.  After all I said, on these last motifs, I used Jeanie's Magic Loops about which I had been meaning to make a blogpost for some time.  She kindly sent me some to try a while ago and I had it on my "to-do" list to talk about them… sometimes my "to-do" list gets a bit long and it can take a while until I can tick all the items off it!  I had problems with magic loops the last few times I used them and then I realised I was not following the directions properly which I re-read and then followed.  I must say that, done correctly, Jeanie's Magic Loops work very well!

They look just like little bits of thread hanging there on the card (which is a usable flat shuttle) but they are made of very fine yet very strong material and once inserted, can be folded out of the way due to the nature of the thread.  This means they don't get in the way of tatting as you carry on with your work.  They also come in different colours so you can choose one that contrasts with the tatting thread you are using.  Jeanie welcomes enquiries and she can be reached via her email:  tattingjeanie@gmail.com

The loops come with very thorough instructions on how to use them and even with a money-back guarantee if you don't like them!   

I'm going to keep using them on the piece I'm currently working on and report back again later.  So far, after doing the four diamonds, I'm really happy with them.  

Best wishes,


  1. Adore - yes, adore, the doi....table piece! It is such an interesting bit of tatting.

    Yes, I have already emailed Jeanie....Curious. Magic Loop stuff annoyed be in my knitting days so have avoided reading about it in Tat-Land after the first try at something like it. Open to suggestions after your post though. : )

  2. It looks glorious! I look forward to hearing how you get on with the magic.

  3. Miraculous! I love as the round and square details play:)

  4. Your piece is looking awesome!!! :)

  5. These foursome certainly look very different from it's previous version. It's coming along very nicely! I'm so curious about another way to hide ends. Shall check out Jeanie's method. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I'm gonna close my eyes, click my heels.
    And when I'm done I wanna tat-like-that.
    Stunning work.

  7. I really like the way it looks with the square motifs around the outside!

  8. It is a magic square!
    I hope that the magic thread will help me solve my hiding ends fobia. Thank you for the link.

  9. I just love the shape of this piece...a lot. My problem with the Magic loop is that I keep forgetting to use it..!!

    1. I agree with you Barbara! Although I guess if I forced myself long enough, it could become a habit and then I wouldn't forget anymore! :-)

  10. Oh, it's so beautiful! Great pattern.

  11. Beautiful! I have a square table that would benefit from the look of this piece. Something to put on my to-do list!

  12. What pattern (book) is this from?? I love it :)

  13. How do I get the pattern?

  14. How do I get the pattern?

  15. Very beautiful pattern.


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